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How to create a login for Canada Revenue Agency’s My CRA Account site
This is the secure site at the Canada Revenue Agency where you can log in to see your own tax information such as eligible room in your TFSA and RRSP or access your previous year’s tax records.
In your browser, type in a search for CRA, click on the English prompt. In the bar at the top there’s a Most Requested area. Click Sign In to an account. You’ll be redirected to CRA My Account.
You’ll need 4 pieces of information to validate your identity with the CRA and then you need to wait for your security code to be mailed out before you’re fully logged in. The mailing out process should take 5-10 business days.
You'll need:
- Your SIN #
- Last year’s tax return
- Date of birth
- Postal code
There are 2 ways to sign in:
Though your online banking. Most Canadian banks and credit unions are represented here.
In the Option 1 area, click the Green Tab - Sign-In Partner. If you do your online banking with one of the following, click on your specific bank logo and the site will redirect you to the CRA access.
Your user name and password will be the ones you already use with your online banking.
Complete the prompts and your code will be mailed to you. Skip ahead to “Logging in for the first time with a security code from the CRA”.
Use a CRA user ID and password.
In this area, beside the green tab, click the words CRA register.
You’ll be prompted to input your SIN number, an amount from a specific line on your tax return. You’ll create a user name and password and the CRA will mail you the security code.
Logging in for the first time with a security code from the CRA
Perform a web search for My Account for Individuals, select CRA sign-in (whichever way you first logged in, through banking partner or with a user name and password) When prompted, enter your CRA security code. Your login process should be complete and you’ll be able to see your personal tax information.