Access your Accounts

Create a NEW login with Investia (only needed 1 time to set up) is the website where you’ll create a login and it is the site you can bookmark for ongoing easy access. With a login, you’ll be able to see your current account balances. It allows you to update your profile (address, email, etc) and e-sign documents we share with you to complete certain transactions.

  1. Go to in your browser.
  2. On this homepage, look at the top blue panel and click on the lighter blue Connect panel.
  3. Two options pull down here. Select Client Portal option.
  4. Click the ellipsis at the bottom “Create an account”.
  5. The next screen should automatically be set for you to register as a... client.
  6. Fill in the information (name, date of birth, postal code) and click Continue.
  7. In the next screen in the blue panel, enter your client number (Activation Key does not apply).
  8. On the security basics screen, create your user name. It can be first name and last name with no space between or your email. Create your password, then record your user name and password. Add the security retrieval questions – Investia will refer to those if you call in for help.
  9. *NEW: Multi-factor authentication. You’ll be asked for your preference, choose from 4 options:
    • SMS Receive the security code via text on your cell phone
    • Voice call authentication Receive the code via voice call to cell phone or landline
    • Google Authenticator app Receive the code on your smartphone through this app
    • OKTA Verify app Receive the code on your smartphone through this app

Once logged in, you can get a snapshot of your holdings. The first screen you’ll see will be "Overview of my investments."

There’s also a dedicated phone line at Investia for login help: 1-888-684-5548 and press 2 for client portal.

*Once your profile is set up, you’ll go to to log in each time.

Click Connect... Client Portal... but then provide your user name and password (instead of Create an account since you’ve already created it).

Click the blue Sign In panel then enter the code sent either by text or email.

Any questions at all, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 905-649-8820.